Tuesday, September 30, 2008


So, last week was not so pleasant. Whatever. It turns out that we cannot sell lemonade because there is another person already doing that for the sorghum festival. We're going to try and do snow cones or hot cocoa along with baked goods.

Well, Fringe is on. I'll go watch that and then do some crappy homework...


Monday, September 22, 2008

Heart of Hearts

I finished reading Brisingr late this Saturday night. I shall tell you that is sad and awesome at the same time... and that the title of this blog relates to it in a way that I shall not disclose for fear of ruining the book for you. Anyway, it seems as if, yet again, events unforeseen will stall my trip to Ireland. Blarg! So, I'm going to try and take a trip this spring break with the school. Probably the London trip with the division of fine arts though the Greece trip looks enticing. I missed a deadline and would have to pay a bit more for the Greece trip, though. There's also a trip to Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam that is appealing. I have no idea what department it is with or if you have to be taking one of their classes to go.

It shall work out given time. Closer on the horizon, I'm thinking about just taking off on a solo camping trip for fall break. I've always wanted to just head off into the woods around my house, and I think I will do it. Maybe I'll take my bow and get in a few good hours of archery practice. I'm sadly rusty. I meant to practice a while this weekend but I got caught up in my many novels.

I'm gonna go blog on my other blog and what not.


Monday, September 15, 2008

Lions and Tigers and... Dragons?

Well, I finally reread Eragon. I forgot that it's actually a good book despite its movie. Sadly, I forgot the golden rule, "Don't judge a book by its movie." Anyway, I tore through it and I'm almost through with eldest... I must remember to check if the next book is out yet. I was supposed to pre-order it but.....yeah, that went the way of Breaking Dawn. Anywho, I'm off to covort with my friends who have followed me to the library before we go off to the concert that's going on tonight.


Thursday, September 4, 2008

Homework time

I'm putting some links up to my different playlists. I actually just made one of them that has nothing but a maroon five cd on it because I'm writing a paper about a musical experience and their cd is my feature topic.

Essays, blarg.

I have to buy another book at a whopping $90-ish. It's for my Aural skills class which I had a test in today. Half of it was really easy and the other half was...not. It takes some super skills to able to hear an interval and know what it is every time. I've never done that before and a lot of other people have. I guess it's pretty fair considering I'm one of only two people who have written key signatures and named them and stuff before, though. I still got seventy percent the first time I tried intervals so I'm pretty happy.

Thankfully Mr. Fox, my computer teacher, moved his test back to next week or my head would have exploded from taking back to back tests.

Well, I'll go put those playlist links up now.


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Alrighty, my computer class...again

As you may notice, this is a repeat of the last entry from my other blog. This blog is actually the one for my class. So, yeah...

Hey guys,

I know it's been a bit since I've written, but hey! Guess what! For extra credit in my computer class, I'm going to be posting on the blog every week. Pretty sweet when I get credit for a blog.

Anyway, not much else happening right now. My life is rife with homework, books, and movies. The library here has some really good movies that we can check out. Needless to say, Effie and I have already befriended the library ladies. We also integrated ourselves as the editors of the literary magazine... I wonder how that will go. We're still waiting to see if anyone else wants to join before we put up flyers for submissions. I should probably suggest flyers FOR getting people to join. Seriously...who is going to know about the literary magazine besides crazies like us?

Well, it's lunch time right now. I'm gonna go grab some food before I have to go practice my flute and piano and junk...
